Quthero Canada is an early stage life science company based on a technology developed at the University of Toronto. In ageing and upon injury such as myocardial infarction, the balance of cytokines is disturbed, creating a pro-inflammatory environment which hampers healing and regeneration. Quthero has a patented Q-peptide derived from Angiopoietin-1, that can help restore the balance to orchestrate healing and regeneration. In the adMare Accelerator, Quthero will focus on developing new heart failure drugs based on the Q-peptide technology.
Hydrogels With Integrin-Binding Angiopoietin-1–Derived Peptide, QHREDGS, for Treatment of Acute Myocardial Infarction
Hydrogels contenant un peptide dérivé de l'angiopoïétine-1 se liant à l'intégrine, QHREDGS, pour le traitement de l'infarctus aigu du myocar (Article en anglais)