Under an NDA, selected ventures will undergo a due diligence process prior to finalization, and are expected to grant access to a data room and must directly provide:
In case you have any questions regarding the application for the National Tx Accelerator Program, please send an email to the Manager of the National Tx Accelerator, Clara Ducord, at cducord@admarebio.com
Membership in other commercialization programs or accelerators will be considered on a case by case and in the context of the venture’s plans for technology development and commercialization.
All Canadian-incorporated companies are invited to apply to the Tx Accelerator. However, we only have wet lab and office spaces available in BC, QC, and ON. Please determine which location is best suited for your company.
Upon acceptance to the Tx Accelerator, each company will enter into an agreement outlining the support that will be provided by the program. Acceptance into the accelerator program does not mean that adMare BioInnovations or its regional partners will automatically provide a direct investment (equity) or continuous funding support for your venture. Direct and in-kind support will be provided to each venture depending on the needs determined at intake.